Kevin Naylor, 25, was given a nine-month conditional discharge for drunk and disorderly behaviour while girlfriend Catherine Hughes, 19, received a caution.
Bemused tourists, who expected to enjoy a quintessential English afternoon, instead witnessed the pair strip on a grass bank outside the castle - while her majesty was said to be in residence.
Traffic police clocked the couple's silver Mazda 323 racing at 133 kilometres per hour in a 100 zone and realised they were doing a bit more than breaking the speed limit.
"It was veering from one side to the other because the woman was sitting on the man's lap while he was driving and doing the act, shall we say," said Tor Stein Hagen, a superintendent with Soendre Buskerund district police.
At a tram stop
A turn on? A couple got it on at a Croydon tram stop
Despite the operator's pleas for them to get dressed and desist, the woman of 29 and her boyfriend aged 17 brazenly carried on.
British Transport Police officers had to drive out to arrest the pair and bed them down overnight in cells - separately - before releasing them with cautions the next day.
In a phonebox
Very subtle...
One couple took more than the law into their own hands - with a 40 minute phone box romp in full-on view right by Brighton JPs' court in 2008.
A passer-by said: "They didn't care who saw."
In court
Judge Donald Thompson was jailed after being found guilty of using a penis pump while he was presiding over cases.
According to witnesses at his 2006 trial in Oklahoma, he used the sex aid when cases were either incredibly boring or really sexy – you know how it is with murder trials. He was banged up for four years and disbarred.
In church
A couple in Cesena, Italy, put a whole new spin on worship when they 'took communion' in the confessional booth during morning mass.
The police were called after members of the congregation heard ‘grunts and moans’. The couple – who were drunk – were cautioned for obscene acts and disturbing a religious function, which ‘religious function’ was disturbed we ask?
On a police car
For some people having sex in public just isn’t daring enough and they must take it that extra mile by, for instance, having sex on a police car. But not just any old cop car - one that has bobbies in it.
A randy Dutch couple – known for their clogs and proclivity to fornicate in full view of emergency service personnel - decided the bonnet was the place to bonk and say they didn’t notice the two cops sitting in the car (eating donuts and watching, no doubt).
The police got out of their car and politely asked the couple to stop and go somewhere else, as the law doesn't specifically prohibit people from having sex on top of a cop car but does state that police officers need to be available for duty.
In the cockpit
In 1916, the first recorded case of mile-high sex resulted in a plane crash – probably because it was the pilot who was immersed in the action. Is this why it’s called the cockpit?
The National Transportation Safety Board has also attributed one fatal accident to a pilot being distracted by extra-curricular activities noting that she made an “improper in-flight decision to divert her attention to other activities not related to the conduct of the flight”.
Clear evidence that while joining the mile high club may be fun it’s not such a great idea if you’re in charge of keeping the plane up.
In a bank
The French are well known for their sexual passion and one couple just couldn’t hold back when they found themselves alone in the bank.
The duo was caught by a group of teenagers armed with a mobile phone across the street.
Be warned, the video is explicit, but the woman’s reaction when she realised she’s been sprung is priceless. She faints.
At school
That hotbed of hormones is a well known breeding ground for dangerous sexual liaisons but it’s not so controversial if two teachers get together on campus, unless they do it in front of a security camera.
That’s exactly what one stupid, married principal in North Carolina did. Not once, but many times with various women. He had the presence of mind to do it behind closed doors but neglected to turn off, or avoid, the security camera pointing directly at his desk.
Video was later released forcing him and his co-stars to resign.
At work
One quiet night in England a Polish contractor working late on a children’s hospital decided the stress of the day was just too much and he needed to relieve himself. There beneath him lay Henry, a vacuum cleaner with a great big cartoon smile on its face. Who could possibly resist?
A passing security guard saw the man in flagrante and asked him to clean himself, and the vacuum, up before leaving the premises.
On a crane
Have you ever looked at a crane and thought: ‘Phwoar, I’d really like to get down on that’? Thought not. But Florida couple Justin Dunn and Nicole Albert climbed up on a crane in broad daylight to bump and grind.
The couple got off with just a warning, as Dunn's father owned the crane and it was private property. They were told to try to be more discrete in the future.
In jail
In Boston Legal lawyers are prone to frenzied expressions of affection on the law books so perhaps we should expect high jinks of a David E. Kelly kind in real life.
Prison tends to evoke unfortunate images best left untouched but nothing as outrageous as a Seattle public defender getting caught having sexual relations with a triple-murder defendant she was representing.
On train tracks
In 2008 a couple in South Africa decided that having sex in the path of a fast-moving train was a good idea...
When the train pulled into the station and the conductor shouted out the window for the couple to move they decided to finish off rather than save their own lives.
With inanimate objects
Some people have just got to take it where they can get it and examining the evidence it seems that sex with inanimate objects is more prevalent than you might imagine.
In March 2008 an American man faced indecency charges after allegedly being filmed having sex with a picnic table.
Police say Art Price Jr was seen copulating with furniture on four separate mornings and a neighbour recorded it for evidence.
The neighbour, who remained anonymous, said he saw Mr Price in his garden turning over a round metal table before performing a sex act upon it.
Local Police Captain Matt Johnson said: "He was completely nude. He would use the hole from the umbrella and have sex with the table."
In November 2007 a ‘cycle-sexualist’ was caught half-naked in a compromising position with his bike.
The 51-year-old was ‘riding it’ when he opened his door to a hostel cleaner and asked “What is it, hen?” before continuing to “move his hips back and forth as if to simulate sex.”
In a car park
A car park isn’t a particularly unusual place to find a copulating couple but in November 2008 two love cheats were exposed in Scotland when they “got carried away”.
Gillian Stalker and John McDougall denied 'dogging' after having sex in a car and moving the romp outside into the car park at Irvine beach in Ayrshire.
Gillian Stalker, 40, said she was aware of another man watching them from his car but denied police claims that the area was busy with dog walkers and children and said neither she nor her lover would normally have sex in public.
The self-employed saleswoman told the court: "John and myself had engaged in some sexual activity in the car.
"But as there was not much room, and also because it was a nice day, we decided to continue outside and in a public place."
She said she and McDougall did not take much notice of the man watching them "as we were getting a bit carried away, as you do in a situation like that".
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